

Debug tool to simulate a specific configuration or device
Version : 2.0
Price : Free



  • Now compatible with ShiVa 2.0.
  • Plugin API compiled for Mac and Linux in addition to Windows : it will provide API completion in the Script module in ShiVa Editor for each of these operating systems.


  • Optimized for ShiVa 1.9.2


Added the following simulations:

  • JPSimulator.simulateDeviceModel ( sDeviceModel )
  • JPSimulator.simulateDeviceName ( sDeviceName )
  • JPSimulator.simulateOSVersion ( nMajor, nMinor, nBugfix )
  • JPSimulator.simulateOSVersionString ( sOSVersionString )


  • Internal modifications to prevent eventual conflicts between packs.


  • Error messages now are easier to understand.


--JPSimulator API JPSimulator.setEditorOnly ( bEditorOnly ) JPSimulator.simulateClientType ( kClientType ) JPSimulator.simulateCurrentUserViewportResolution ( nWidth, nHeight ) JPSimulator.simulateDeviceModel ( sDeviceModel ) JPSimulator.simulateDeviceName ( sDeviceName ) JPSimulator.simulateOSLanguage ( kOSLanguage ) JPSimulator.simulateOSType ( kOSType ) JPSimulator.simulateOSVersion ( nMajor, nMinor, nBugfix ) JPSimulator.simulateOSVersionString ( sOSVersionString ) JPSimulator.simulateScreenPixelDensity ( nDensity ) JPSimulator.simulateScreenResolution ( nWidth, nHeight )


JPSimulator is a debug tool allowing you to simulate several things in your game, helping you to test a language, an OS or a Client Type for instance, and let you see how your game behaves if it was executed on a specific device or in a particular configuration, without leaving ShiVa Editor.

The functions system.getOSType ( ), system.getOSLanguage ( ) or system.getClientType ( ) will return the simulated value instead of the real ones.

Here's a quick example to what can be done :

JPSimulator.simulateOSLanguage ( system.kOSLanguageGerman ) JPSimulator.simulateOSType ( system.kOSTypeAndroid )

As you can see, this is ideal solution if you want to easily see how your game behaves with a different language or OS.

Other values can be simulated, like the screen resolution. Please refer to the API page for more details.