

Bring life to the scores displayed in your games.
Version : 2.0
Price : $20
State : Out



  • Now compatible with ShiVa 2.0.
  • Plugin API compiled for Mac and Linux in addition to Windows : it will provide API completion in the Script module in ShiVa Editor for each of these operating systems.


--JPScoreAnimator API JPScoreAnimator.create ( hLabel, nDuration, nScore, nGrowUnit, sOptFormat )


JPScoreAnimator is a small but very powerful pack. The kind of pack that adds life in your game in no time.

Give it a label, a score and a few parameters and enjoy the show :)

No more bla bla. This pack comes with a very nice sample showing what you can achieve if you use it in your games. This sample is called JPScoreDisplaySample and can be found here.