

Developped for : webipadiphone
Developped with : apibootstrapdatabasejpframeworkphpxcodejquery
Stagium is a service for french medical students, that helps them to find and choose an internship.
This is a collaborative service: the students having done an internship can rate it. Stagium will compute the averate rating for each internship, allowing the other students in need of an internship to know how it was, if it was interesting, pleasant or enriching.

I did the whole Stagium iOS application, which is a universal application: it runs on both iPhone and iPad, with a dedicated user interface for each. The application is fun and dynamic. It contains a bunch of cool effects, such as animations, parallax effects or hidden events that the user will be able to trigger if he finds them.

I've also worked on the webservices, allowing the application to send and receive data from the Stagium server.