Save Charlie

Save Charlie

Developped for : amazonandroidipadiphone
Developped with : shiva

Save Charlie is a game that has been created next to the terrorist attacks against Charlie Hebdo. Its goal is to support press freedom: 50% of the game revenues go to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

The game has been developped for iPhone, iPad, Google Play Store and Amazon AppStore.
It uses a lot of packs and plugins among those available on my site.

Here's the list of packs I used :
- JPAnimation
- JPButton
- JPEvent
- JPExtendedAPI
- JPGesture
- JPNotification
- JPPicker
- JPScrollView
- JPSound
- JPSprite
- JPTweener

And the list of plugins I used :
- jpChartboost
- jpGameCenter
- jpRateMe
- jpStoreKit
- jpWebView
- jpDeviceInfo
- jpVirtualKeyboard
- jpSocial
- jpPlayStore
- jpAmazon
- jpShortcutIcon